







氏名 矢島幸信
専門 集合論、位相幾何学、数学教育
学歴 横浜市立大学文理学部卒業、東京教育大学大学院理学研究科修士課程修了、筑波大学大学院数学研究科博士課程単位取得退学
学位 理学博士(筑波大学)
取得免許 中学校教諭一級普通免許状、高等学校教諭一級普通免許状

出身 東京都
趣味 映画鑑賞



2022年2月「私の見た数学の景色 ~ルーム・ワールド・ライフ~」
2020年8月 最終セミナー
(コロナ禍で最終講義中止のための代替講義)「数学は何故人生に必要か ―役立たずといわれた君へ―」(神奈川大学工学部数学教室主催)
2020年2月 出張授業「数学をアニメで学ぼう」
2019年10月 高校生体験授業「数学をアニメで学ぼう」
2019年8月 2019年度教員免許更新講習
2019年3月 出張授業「数学をアニメで学ぼう」
2018年12月 出張授業「アニメで発見!嫌いな人ほどドキドキする数学」
2018年11月 出張授業「嫌いな人ほどドキドキする数学」
2018年8月 2018年度教員免許更新講習 
2018年6月 「なぜ数学をアニメにするか」
2017年8月 2017年度教員免許更新講習
2016年8月 「アニメとイラストで発見!嫌いなひとほどドキドキする数学」
2016年8月 2016年度教員免許更新講習
2016年6月 「アニメで探検!ようこそ、数学の森へ」
2015年8月 「アニメとイラストで発見!嫌いなひとほどドキドキする数学」
2015年8月 2015年度教員免許更新講習
2015年7月 2015年度 神奈川県 大学発・政策提案制度のコンペティション 
2015年7月 2015年度 かながわサイエンスフェアー
2015年6月 「罪を数学的に考える」
2015年3月  「Why is mathematics necessary in your life?」
南京大学 Nanjing University (Nanjing, China)
2014年11月 「アニメとイラストでわかる『人生に何故数学が必要か』」
2014年10月 講演「アニメとイラストでわかる『人生に何故数学が必要か』」
2014年8月 「人生に何故数学が必要か I, II」(中学生対象)
数学WAVE夏季講座 2014,和歌山県橋本市教育文化会館
2014年1月 特別講座「人生の危機に必要なものは,数学的考え方である」
2013年11月 「数学は人生に何故必要か -小次郎は何故敗れたか₋」
2013年8月 「人生に何故数学が必要か I, II」
数学WAVE夏季講座 2013,和歌山県橋本市教育文化会館
2013年2月 「人生の危機に何故数学が必要か」
2012年11月 「数学は人生に何故必要か」
2012年8月 「数学は人生に何故必要か」
数学WAVE夏季講座 2012,和歌山県橋本市教育文化会館
2012年3月 「ある工学系 数学教育システムの構築,そして…」
2012年2月 「人生には何故数学が必要か」
2011年1月 「すべてを数学的に考える」


[65] with Y. Hirata, “Undecidability for the extent of products of a monotonically
normal space and a special factor”, Topology and its Applications, 315 (2022), 108157, 22 pp.
[Y64] with Y. Hirata and T. Usuba, “Equality for the extent of infinite products and
∑-products”, Topology and its Applications, 307 (2022), 107946, 12 pp.
[63] with Y. Hirata, “Inequality and equality for the extent of products with a
special factor”, Topology Proceedings, 59 (2022), 223-241.
[62] with Y. Hirata, “C*-, C- and P-embedded subsets in products and undecidability of a certain property of Nω1”, Topology and its Applications, 291 (2020), 107350, 16 pp.
[61] with Y. Hirata, “A characterization of the countable paracompactness for products of ordinals”, Topology and its Applications, 282 (2020), 107325, 10 pp.
[60] with Y. Hirata, “Undecidability of the cardinality of C*-embedded discrete subsets in products of natural numbers”, Topology Proceedings, 56 (2020), 85-95.
[59] with Y. Hirata, “C*-embedding implies P-embedding in products of ordinals”, Topology and its Applications, 213 (2017), 251-265.
[58] with Y. Hirata, “Separation of diagonal in monotonically normal spaces and their products”, Topology and itsApplications, 196 (2015), 1033-1059.
[57] with Y. Hirata, “On the D-property of certain products”, Topology and its Applications, 195 (2015), 297-311.
[56] with Y. Hirata and With N. Kemoto, “Products of monotonically normal spaces with various special factors”, Topology and its Applications, 164 (2014), 45-86.
[55] with Y. Hirata, “The sup=max problem for the extent of generalized metric spaces”, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 54 (2013), 245-257.
[54] “Products of monotonically normal spaces with factors defined by topological games”, Topology and its Applications, 159 (2012), 1223-1235.
[53] “Normality of products of monotonically normal spaces with compact spaces, Topology and its Applications, 158 (2011), 2085-2089.
[52] “Normal covers of various products”, Topology and its Applications, 157 (2010), 1569-1592.
[51] with N. Kemoto, “Certain sequences with compact closure”, Topology and its Applications, 156 (2009), 1348-1554.
[50] “Strong β-spaces and their countable products”, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 33 (2007), 531-540.
[49] with N. Kemoto, “Rectangularity of products of ordinals”, Topology and its Applications, 154 (2007), 758-770.
[48] “Normal covers of infinite products and normality of Σ-products”, Topology and its Applications, 154 (2007), 103-114.
[47] “Characterizations of normal covers of rectangular products”, Topology and its Applications, 153 (2006), 3220-3229.
[46] “A base property in paracompact products and its applications”, Topology and its Applications, 142 (2004), 19-30.
[45] with K. Chiba, “Covering properties of inverse limits, II”, Topology Proceedings, 27 (2003), 79-100.
[44] with M. Sakai, “Subparacompactness and submetacompactness of σproducts”, Topology and its Applications, 129 (2003), 153-158.
[43] “Characterizations of paracompactness and Lindelöfness by separation property”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 131 (2003), 1297-1302.
[42] with Y. Tanaka, “Σ-products of paracompact C-scattered spaces”, Topology and its Applications, 124 (2002), 39-46.
[41] “Special refinements and their applications on products”, Topology and its Applications, 104 (2000), 293-308.
[40] with N. Kemoto and K. Tamano, “Generalized paracompactness of subspaces in products of two ordinals”, Topology and its Applications, 104 (2000), 155-168.
[39] with M. Sakai and K. Tamano, “Regular networks for metrizable spaces and Lasnev spaces”, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics, 46 (1998), 121-133.
[38] with H. J. K. Junnila, “Normality and countable paracompactness of products with σ-spaces having special nets”, Topology and its Applications, 85 (1998), 375-394.
[37] “Analogous results to two classical characterizations of covering properties
by products”, Topology and its Applications, 84 (1998), 3-7.
[36] with H. J. K. Junnila, “Characterizations of submetacompactness”, Topology and its Applications, 82 (1998), 227-238.
[35] with N. Kemoto, “Submetacompactness of β-spaces”, Topology Proceedings, 22 (1997), 265-279.
[34] with N. Kemoto, T. Nogura and K. D. Smith, “Normal subspaces in products of two ordinals”, Fundamenta Mathematicae 151 (1996), 279-297.
[33] with N. Kemoto and T. Nogura, “Normality and closed projections of products with a cardinal factor”, Topology and its Applications, 69 (1996), 217-226.
[32] with N. Kemoto, “Remarks on normality ofΣ-products”, Topology Proceedings, 19 (1994), 161-168.
[31] with T. Terada, “Closure-preserving covers by nowhere dense sets”, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics, 42 (1994), 21-27.
[30] “Rectangular covers of products missing diagonals”, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 35 (1994), 147-153.
[29] with N. Kemoto, “Orthocompactness in infinite products”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 120 (1994), 591-596.
[28] “Subnormality of X×κand Σ-products”, Topology and its Applications, 54 (1993), 111-122.
[27] with N. Kemoto, “Orthocompactness, normality of products with a cardinal factor”, Topology and its Applications, 49 (1993), 141-148.
[26] with N. Kemoto, “Orthocompactness in products”, Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics, 16 (1992), 407-422.
[25] “On normal covers of locally compact spaces”, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 45 (1992), 343-347.
[24] “Characterizations of four covering properties by products”, Topology and its Applications, 45 (1992), 119-130.
[23] “A characterization of submetacompactness in terms of products”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 112 (1991), 291-296.
[22] with G. Gruenhage, “A filter property of submetacompactness , its application to products”, Topology and its Applications, 36 (1990), 43-55.
[21] “A characterization of normal covers of a normal space II”, Glasnik Matematicki, 24 (1989), 401-403.
[20] “On the submetacompactness of products”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 107 (1989), 503-509.
[19] “The shrinking property of Σ-products”, Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics, 13 (1989), 83-98.
[18] “Products of a compact space and a metric space”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 101 (1987), 577-581.
[17] “On Σ-products of semi-stratifiable spaces “, Topology and its Applications, 25 (1987), 1-11.
[16] with Y. Tanaka, “Decompositions for closed maps”, Topology Proceedings. 10 (1985), 399-411.
[15] “The normality of Σ-products , the perfect κ-normality of Cartesian products”, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 36 (1984), 689-699.
[14] “On the dimension of limits of inverse systems”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 91 (1984), 461-466.
[13] “On Σ-products of Σ-spaces”, Fundamenta Mathematicae,. 123 (1984), 29-37.
[12] “Notes on topological games”, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 121 (1984), 31-40.
[11] “A characterization of normal covers of a normal space”, Glasnik Matematicki, 18 (1983), 331-334.
[10] “Topological games and products III”, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 117 (1983), 223-238.
[9] “Topological games and products II”, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 117 (1983), 47-60.
[8] “Topological games and products I”, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 113 (1981), 141-153.
[7] with R. Telgársky, “On order locally finite and closure-preserving covers”, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 109 (1980), 211-216.
[6] “On order star-finite and closure-preserving covers”, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 55 (1979), 19-22.
[5] “A note on order locally finite and closure-preserving covers”, Bulletin de L’academie Polonaise des Sciences, 27 (1979), 401-405.
[4] with K. Tamano, “On total paracompactness and total metacompactness”,
Fundamenta Mathematicae, 105 (1979), 73-78.
[3] “On spaces which have a closure-preserving cover by finite sets”, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 69 (1977), 571-578.
[2] “Solution of R. Telgársky's problem”, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 52 (1976), 348-350.
[1] “A note on spaces which have closure-preserving covers by finite sets”,
Bulletin de L’academie Polonaise des Sciences, 24 (1976), 611-614.